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La Casa Danesa, apart from specializing in products such as duvet, also markets this probiotic magic under the name of Sana-tea Koombuch and you can acquire it in its natural flavor or with taste to: Mint, Pineapple or Carrot. The kombucha is composed of organic tea, water, sugar, fruit (if you wish) and the probiotic.

Sana-té Koombuch It is a fermented probiotic drink and the active bacterial agent is Saccharomyces boulardii, the same that is not destroyed by antibiotics. This case has been widely investigated and has been found in studies that also serve to treat and prevent some types of problems related to gastrointestinal problems such as: irritable bowel syndrome.
It also has an antitoxin and anti-inflammatory effect, which means neutralizing the toxins produced by dangerous agents that send a signal to the body to reduce inflammation. The Health Office has also become a lure of agents of light agents, in the media and in the maintenance of information. Drink helps keep our immune system healthy.
Recent studies have shown that the therapeutic effects of B function as an "immunobiotic". Outdoor Donna Schwenk, a precursor in the Kombucha movement, with whom she could change her health and that of her family.
In its portal that this probiotic, it is also ideal for weight loss, "What does not lack of hunger", the results, the indications and the explanation of this drink. Outdoor In the United States the kombucha is consumed by celebrities, sold in organic supermarkets and is part of the menu of cafés and restaurants, so go ahead and try this wonderful healthy drink! Outdoor Outdoor
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